Summary of educational integration support initiatives in polish schools

Summary of initiatives - educational integration

Since September 2023, the Center for Citizenship Education (CCE) has been conducting extensive initiatives aimed at supporting educational integration in Polish schools. We summarize completed projects, share successes, and encourage the use of the materials we’ve developed.

Educational Integration in Polish Schools

The goal of our projects was to assist schools in meeting the needs of both Polish and Ukrainian students. Educational integration enables schools to create environments that support academic success for all students, regardless of nationality or diverse needs.

In the 2023/2024 school year, over 3,500 teachers from across Poland benefited from our support projects and events. Moreover, the need for support among school staff increased further with the introduction of mandatory schooling for Ukrainian children in September 2024. By extending the project through the first quarter of the 2024/2025 school year, we were able to maintain continuity and strengthen the long-term impact of these efforts.

Our extensive support offerings included:

Support Projects for Teachers

  • „Skuteczna lekcja w różnorodnej klasie” („Effective lesson in a diverse class”) – a project for school leaders responsible for managing and facilitating educational integration.

  • „Klub dobrej rozmowy” („Good conversation club”) – a project to help teachers introduce topics such as migration, multiculturalism, and identity to young people.

  • „O redukcji stresu” („On stress reduction”) – a project preparing teachers to implement the Better Learning Programme 1 model in their schools.

  • „Redukcja stresu dla lepszego uczenia się” („Stress reduction for better learning”) – a project that prepares teachers to apply the Better Learning Programme 2 model in their schools.

  • „Globalna szkoła. Na początek” („Global School. For a start”) – a project introducing teachers to global education topics.

Whole-School Support Projects

  • „O redukcji stresu: procesowe wsparcie szkół” („On stress reduction: process support for schools”) – a pilot project in eight schools addressing specific needs identified within them. The goal was to create better learning conditions by reducing stress.

  • „Wychowanie to podstawa” („Building relations is the foundation”) project –a project strengthening educators and helping school principals develop a cohesive concept for educational activities, involving 20 schools across Poland.

Webinars and Online Seminars

Free online meetings for teachers and principals aimed to inspire and strengthen their daily work. Recordings of webinars are available on our YouTube channel.

Regional Workshops and Seminars for Principals

In November 2023, two regional meetings for principals were held: in Kraków, in collaboration with the Mikołaj Rej Foundation, and in Poznań, in cooperation with the Teacher Development Center in Poznań.

The workshops addressed challenges related to enrolling Ukrainian students in Polish schools amidst a lack of systemic support. Meeting topics included issues raised by participants regarding teachers’ involvement in school decision-making processes.

Conferences for Principals and Teachers

Educational Materials

As part of our efforts to disseminate knowledge on educational integration, we developed over 80 educational materials. We also created a website with a collection of downloadable and widely usable publications.

The materials include guidelines and best practices for integrating Ukrainian children in Polish schools, essentials for educators and subject teachers, class exercises, posters and infographics, as well as podcast episodes.

All materials are based on the experiences of teachers and school administrators. The Center for Citizenship Education developed these resources in collaboration with the Norwegian Refugee Council.

Long-Term Impact

Through the educational integration support program, we have created resources and tools that assist teachers and principals in schools that, since 2022, have welcomed a significant number of students from Ukraine. The long-term impact of these efforts not only supports cultural and linguistic integration but also contributes to building a more inclusive school environment where every student feels accepted and has opportunities to grow.

The experiences gathered and materials developed provide a solid foundation for continued work on including students from diverse backgrounds in the Polish education system. The Center for Citizenship Education Foundation will continue these efforts to support integration in schools, which not only helps to address challenges but also enables mutual learning from our diverse experiences and perspectives..

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The educational integration support activities are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Norwegian and EEA Funds under the Fund for Bilateral Relations.

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