Call for Participants for an International Training Course “Migration Stories & Facts for the 21st Century”


21-24 March 2022 | Berlin, Germany


What are the best practices for reporting on migration issues? How can journalists build a compelling story from complex information? And what can media professionals do to counter fake news and hate speech?

Join a 4-day training for young journalists from Poland and Germany, hosted in Berlin, to learn from experts in the field, exchange ideas with others, and build a strong foundation for ethical and engaging reporting on one of the most complex issues of our time: migration.

In this course you will:

  • Learn best practices for migration reporting and building diverse media houses;
  • Learn how to counter anti-religious and anti-migration hate speech in your reporting;
  • Meet other young journalists from Poland and Germany and exchange experiences of working on migration issues; 
  • Learn about the project „I Am European: Migration Stories and Facts for the 21st Century” and its achievements.

This training course will be based on non-formal education and experience exchange with experts from various European countries working on the cross-cutting issues of migration and media. During the training, participants will learn and develop skills and knowledge that they can take into their journalistic careers back home.  The learning process will be structured through interactive presentations, discussions, simulations, and especially practical group work. It is expected that there will be no more than 15 participants, predominantly from Germany and Poland, participating in the event. 

Training agenda:

March 21: Arrival (before 13.00), getting to know each other, media trends and global challenges 

March 23:  Narrative-building and storytelling

March 24: Countering fake news and hate speech in the media 

March 25: Diversity and representation, conclusions, departure (after 13.00)


All training will be conducted in English.

Note: The selection of the participants is done by the Centre for Citizenship Education (Poland) and Migration Matters (Germany) who are organising this activity. Therefore the participants residing and working in Poland or Germany are eligible to apply. 

Eligibility criteria: anyone who is aged 18-35, currently involved in media and journalist work, media and journalism students and trainees in different local, regional, national and international media residing in Poland or Germany. Participants are expected to communicate in English during the training programme.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Organizers provide accommodation for 3 nights (21-24 March) in twin rooms, vegeterian breakfasts and lunches. There will also be snacks and coffee/tea/water available at the training premises. The travel will be refunded for a return ticket to and back from Berlin (only second or economy class) preferably by train or bus. Local transportation as well as COVID-19 testing will also be reimbursed.

To apply fill the form HERE.

Application deadline: 7.03.2022

The specific rules about the Training you can find HERE.


The training is funded by the EU through the project I Am European: Migration Stories & Facts for the 21st Century.


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